When I first started on this article, I was focusing on questioning two contradictory ideas – like attracts like,...
Tag Archive for: chiropractic
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Power of Resistance
, Informational Articles, change, chiropractic, chiropractor, me first, mind body, relationships, resistance, 0Why do we resist things such as making certain decisions, having a difficult conversation, or taking care of ourselves...
“I Have a Dream” (1963)
, Informational Articles, 2022, booster, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, covid, i have a dream, martin luther king, mind body, new year, vaccine, 0Inspired by the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr. in his “I Have a Dream” speech back in...
Your Inner Voice
, Informational Articles, Uncategorized, body-mind, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, covid, inner voice, mind body, napoleon hill, outwitting the devil, vaccine, virus, 0Being in this COVID-19 experience now for the past eight months, and moving into the ninth, we as a...
Social Distancing. Really?
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, coronvirus, covid-19, mind body, physical distancing, social distancing, 0It’s amazing how the term that is so pervasive right now, and is determined as the method to prevent...
Trick or Treat
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, challenges, chiropractic, chiropractor, halloween, health, mind body, trick or treat, 0The old playground rhyme, “Trick or Treat give me something good to eat, if you don’t, I don’t care,...
Equal Exchange of Energy
, Inspirational Passages, Spiritual Growth, balance, body-mind, boundaries, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, energy, equal exchange, mind body, relationships, 0Recently I held my Healing Energetics Workshop, which was a great reminder that you are responsible for your perceptions,...
The Fountain of Youth
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, aging, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, stress, youth, 0For centuries, eternal life and preserving one’s youth has been a lifelong search for those desiring to live forever....
To Be or Not to Be
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, action, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, choice, mental chatter, 0To Be or Not To Be… That is the Question This famous line is from a soliloquy from William...
The Essence of Be-ing
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, blame, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, mind body, responsibility, sato, 0The Blame Game The expression of our minds and thoughts will manifest in some form in our bodies....
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