The old playground rhyme, “Trick or Treat give me something good to eat, if you don’t, I don’t care,...
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Madam Pele’s Gift
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, Life Experiences, body-mind, chad, chad sato, change, control, health, life, mind body, pele, vog, volcano, 0Mother nature is truly a force to be reckoned with, and we have had plenty of proof lately with...
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, Spiritual Growth, body, busy, busyness, chad, chad sato, christmas, health, holidays, life, mind body, pain, take a break, time, 0Busyness according to the Oxford Dictionary is defined as the state or condition of having a great deal to...
To Ask or Not to Ask
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, ask, ask and receive, chad, chad sato, health, mind body, pain, 0Something I have observed in my 18 years being in practice is that a person’s posture can provide all...
Body Gratitude
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, body, chad, chad sato, gratitude, health, mind body, pain, 0According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of gratitude is the state of being grateful; thankfulness. Over the years...
The Blessings of Pain
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, back, chad, chad sato, headache, health, life, mind body, pain, 1How many of you consider low back pain, knee pain, stomach pain, and even headaches as problems that need...
Your Perspective Defines Your Wellness
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, Life Experiences, Spiritual Growth, breathe, chad, chad sato, health, mind body, perspective, present, wellness, 0What truly makes every person unique and special is that no one will ever have the same perspective as...
Healing & the Time Factor
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, chad, chad sato, empower, healing, health, mind body, pain, time, 0There is definitely a misperception about healing and how long it takes you or a loved one to heal....
Health is the Greatest Possession
, Informational Articles, Inspirational Passages, chad, chad sato, health, mind body, vitality, well-being, 0Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest...
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